John Edwards New York State Petitions

October 29, 2007

We are recruiting volunteers and interns in the Western New York area to collect signatures for petitions to get John Edwards on the New York state Ballot.    To qualify 5000 signatures are required we seek to procure 10,000 from the Western New York Area alone. 

 If you are interested please contact me at 716-984-2365, or

 Syaed Ali

Immigration Reform

September 29, 2007

The legislative bills signed into law to protect women who seek American spouses through mail order magazines, and to regulate illegal actions of international marriage brokers have had the effect of delaying processing of spousal visas in order to investigate possible abuse and fraud in immigration laws. However, the effect is too broad sweeping and affects a wide range of nations that have no history, or propensity for the type of adverse behavior the laws and regulations are trying to prevent.

For example, in the Western New York South Asian community individuals utilize its own family network to search for spouses that are suitable in terms relative wealth, social standing, religious beliefs, education, etc. and in most situations the males and females prefer not to leave their home countries, but do so for a higher quality of life for future generations. Furthermore in addition to receiving 50% of the asset should the marriage break up, the female is paid a huge lump sum payment which is valued at 150% of total assets. Religious and cultural beliefs have been built in to protect against domestic violence. It seems self evident that no male living in the United States would abuse his wife if he had to give up 50% of his assets, and a prenuptial dollar amount equal to 150% of the value of his total assets, Contrary to certain prejudicial beliefs, South Asian and Muslim men do not abuse their wives. The decision to engage in a martial relationship takes through and careful planning that is decided upon by the individuals involved and the families. The community in question shuns domestic violence as it against their religion, and does not believe in match making services, and views match making services, and mail order brides as immoral. Based on local experiences and reported practices most South Asian /Muslim females who receive their green cards do not divorce their husbands, and/or not abused.

South Asians have a right to practice their religious beliefs, and bring over their spouses in a process that is fair and equitable for all parties involved. The process should be transparent, efficient, equitable, and less costly to the taxpayers of the United States. The current system of application processing, lacks efficiency and increases the risks of adverse selection.

The system needs to be restructured to reduce costs. Management outsourcing, investigation and processing services, reduce processing time, and make the overall process fair, equitable, and safe for all citizens involved. K-1 visas need to be eliminated and consolidated into one

family visa. Processing centers should be restructured and consolidated into one large center that would eliminate overhead and nonessential operating costs. Fixed and variable costs associated with operating multiple centers would be eliminated, and a portion of the savings would be allocated toward the creation of immigration advocacy centers to be housed in community centers of major metropolitan areas in all 50 states. The centers would hire staff with a private investigator and use the criminal justice system and or law enforcement to help clients fill out forms, conduct interviews, collect facts, and determine if the case should be accepted or denied. If accepted the paper work should be forwarded to the processing center for a final review, with subsequent mailing of the official paper work. If it is denied the client should be informed of the reasons for the denial, and offered the right to appeal based on prescribed grounds.

Syaedali’s Weblog › Create New Post — WordPress

September 27, 2007

Syaedali’s Weblog › Create New Post — WordPress

Human Genome research, and Personal Medicine

September 27, 2007

Empire Genomics was created in 2006 from research started at the prestigious Roswell Park Cancer Institute in Buffalo, New York. The laboratory has a strong track record in the development of high throughput technologies to enable genome-wide analyses aimed at determining the underlying mechanisms for diseases. Having played a fundamental role in the Human Genome Project and created the foundational Bacterial Artificial Chromosomes which served as the basis for sequencing the genome, Empire’s lab developed significant expertise in genomic research. It is from this strong experiential base that we bring our capabilities, tools and techniques to support the research, clinical and drug discovery global community.

Realizing the possibility of where genomics tools will take medicine is not difficult to see, however for this potential to become reality will take genomic solutions which are robust and permit the high resolution detection of genomic aberrations and their corresponding correlations to underlying phenotypes. Traditionally the field has been plagued with immature technological tools with too much inconsistency, no customization and uncontrollable variability. Empire Genomics is excited to bring its expertise to bear on these challenges.

Empire Genomics is committed to working with the scientific community to bring the best in genomic technologies to bear on the complex systems biology questions that we collectively seek to answer. We will continually work to remove costly variation, inconsistency and the lack of reproducibility that has prevented the field from rapidly moving forward with discoveries.

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September 27, 2007

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